It’s Not Me, It’s You

What Are Projections And How We Can Use Them For Personal Growth

Masha Rusanov
4 min readSep 17, 2023

“Everything you see in me is not mine, it’s yours. Mine is what I see in you.” — Erich Maria Remarque

Have you ever noticed that whatever is top of mind for you suddenly appears more frequently in people around you? If you are unhappy with your weight, you pay more attention to other people’s bodies. If you have a bigger-than-average nose, you notice other noses. Or, if your relationship sucks, you have strong opinions about other relationships you observe. All of these are types of psychological projections. It’s part of human nature. We all do it.

Understanding Projection

Projection happens when we superimpose our own feelings, fears, or desires onto someone else, effectively seeing our reflections in their actions or traits

Projection acts as a distorted mirror. It reflects not what is truly in front of us but a version colored by our history, internal conflicts, and feelings. It’s our subconscious way of managing emotions we find uncomfortable or challenging to address. When we’re feeling insecure or unsure about a certain aspect of ourselves, it’s much easier to recognize or even criticize these traits in others rather than…

